Wednesday 4 July 2018

Maybe He Hates The Anshar?

Only a few days after the last one, we once again have a DBL loss, once again in an Anshar.

The seemingly one man (?) crusade against the Anshar continues. Yet another of these very useful ships became space dust.

It would seem this time he bounced off a station and subsequently became the victim of a Nyx.

The cargo was some basic blueprints, more bombs, and twenty six Vexor's.

Look out for Vexor loss mails in his future.

At least the Expanded Cargoholds were cheaper.

I guess that's progress...

Tuesday 3 July 2018

The Wonder Continues

It is getting hard to keep up!

All those losses, seeding New Eden with new loot for the hungry masses.

DBL is like an exploding star making it possible for other more complicated life forms to eventually exist.

It's almost a public service.

This time he had one thousand Void Bombs for some reason, and some rather expensive ORE Expanded Cargo
holds just for the thrill of it I suppose.

Another Anshar bites the dust, yet more ISK removed from New Eden, about 10.6B for a total of 11.2B.

The loot fairies were not kind.

Maybe they're tired?