Thursday 26 December 2019

Tuesday 3 December 2019

No Downtime!

A while back, and finding the actual post is far too much work, CCP mentioned they'd like no downtime (DT) at some point in the future.

This was years ago, and while DT's have dropped from an hour or more to less than ten minutes, often five, DT is still an inconvenient pause in the tempo of Eve Online.

This is especially true in the AUTZ as we've been hit by DT in a major way since the beginning, but now we have bulk Koreans.

Suddenly the no DT experiment comes along.


Maybe, but probably not as DT now impacts their TZ greatly.

It stops being about the AUTZ and is now all about the KTZ, but AUTZ is happy to gain some love on the side thanks to the current zerg rush of Koreans.

Will that last?  Dunno, but eliminating DT, even if just for every (my hope) weekend, is good for them, which means it's also good for us.

When am I going to shower now though?

Monday 2 December 2019

The TFT Ant & Some Other News

A while back, and a further while back before that, I mentioned an ant had crawled into one of the monitors I use to make believe I'm not a recovering despot in Eve Online.

The remains of that ant have now gone.

I can no longer see any parts of the foul¹ beast that once scourged my vision if I slightly moved my view towards the left.  I "could" have swapped it with the identical monitor over on the right hand side, but I figured I'd just power through the inconvenience.

Plus that would have involved effort, and it would have just moved the problem.

So the ant corpse has gone.

Probably just in time for the next one.

In some other news² the Hypernet Relay has been announced as a future "feature" in Eve Online.

It appears to be some sort of gambling thing, that uses a galaxy wide contract system, people bid something, and then something else happens, a Kraken appears and eats all your gold, something, something.

What it is seems to change every time I look into it.

If you don't like it, don't use it.

Lastly, although more news certainly exists, this will do for now.

We have the Invasion Chapter 2.

"This time it's personal!"

Or some other cheesy eighties tag line.

More Triglavian stuff, and now they have a Dreadnaught that can be made via BPC's that drop somewhere.

It seems to be keeping people happy, and the influx of new ISK is not inflationary at all!

¹  As opposed to the fowl beast over the back that wakes me up from about 5:00am with its crowing.  Assuming of course I've not already been woken by the seeming 4.3 billion Lorikeets³ who decide that 4:30am is the exact moment to start their daily rave party in the wattle not far away from the bedroom window.

² As it has been a few days since these items were announced by CCP my reporting of it should more accurately be called "olds".

³ Actually the Swainson's Lorikeet for those keeping score.

Noisy Little Bastard