Thursday 2 January 2020

Feels Bad Man

Welcome to the new year, or as I should probably write it, the New Year.

Doesn't matter, it'll be much like the last one but just that little bit shittier.

With the new year, yeah I'm sticking with it that way, comes the slow spread of South Koreans in Eve Online, or as they call themselves, Koreans.

I was minding my own business in low sec space, noticed a new neutral in local, undocked the probe ship, scan, scan, scan and found him.  Warped in the combat ship, but by now I've checked his corp history, and he (all people in Eve Online are male unless proven otherwise) is in a Venture.

So probably a genuinely new player.

Landed on grid, right next to him.

Now a Venture is notoriously slippery, and many have warped away from my grasp due to their small size, and natural warp stabs.

This one didn't, everything was pre loaded while I was targeting him, and boom!

Not even sure I pointed him.

The belt rats were also shooting him.

Felt bad.

Sent him a mail explaining that low and null sec are not his best choice, and he should stay out of them until he grows as a player and a pilot.

I also sent him some ISK to cover the loss of his ship.

Time passes.

Eventually I receive a mail with "ok// I'm Korean." in English, and then a bunch of Korean.

Bugger, time to break out the translator.

Seems he now knows that low sec is risky.

Mission success?

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